Current Causes

We currently do not have any causes to post here.

When we recieve a cause and have it checked out, we will promptly post it to this page. This will make it easy for you to come back and check on current needs or other ways you can help. We will also post information about who you can contact for more info.

We will also provide a donation button like the one below, that will be connected with a secure trust account at one of our local banks in St. Maries, which will have been set up as needed for the cause. The links are a secure way to give financial help directly to the established account quickly, easily and anonymously.

Cause Updates

We currently do not have any causes to update.

When we are featuring a cause, we will update the status here so you can follow along with the progress of the situation. We will continue to update this page as details about the situation change. This will keep you informed of the current or most immediate needs and the progress with recovering from the event. You will be able to check back often for the latest news on the cause.