When an emergency arises, we will get the details about it and post it as soon as possible to help bring awareness of the situation to the community. By using this site and others such as Facebook, or other social media sites, people can have a common place to link to for information about the event. This will create greater awareness of the needs of the victims. Once the community is aware of the needs, the healing can begin through prayers, donations and physical help in rebuilding what was lost.
After a cause has been posted we will continue to update the page as details about the situation change. This will keep you informed of the current or most immediate needs and the progress with recovering from the event. You will be able to check back often for the latest news on the cause.
Along with the cause information and updates, we include a donation link. This link is a secure way to make a one-time donation to an established trust account through one of our local banks. This account will be set up by the bank, and solely for the purpose of helping out those causes which have met the strict criteria set by the staff and the financial institution in charge of the trust account.
Along with the information we receive about a cause, we will post links to other sites that might have further details.
Occasionally, we will also supply an email address or social media link for the victims or the cause, so that you can continue to support them with kind words and thoughts.